Doctoral thesis, 1986
The aim of the work is to develop simple structure models that capture the concrete fracture. For this purpose, in the second chapter the elastic, non-elastic and fracture behavior is studied with the help of mechanical models. The phenomenon of softening and localization of deformation comes up. The third chapter deals mainly with problems in which the concrete shows a considerable residual strength up to relatively large non-elastic deformations. There also the contribution of the triaxial effect is examined. The next three chapters deal mainly with the limited deformability of concrete. Three cases are dealt with here: pure bending without and with axial force, shear force transfer in beams and in slabs.
Author: A. Kanellopoulos, Dr. sc. techn. ETH Zürich, cubus Hellas Ltd
Publisher: ETH Zürich
There are many references till today, from famous specialists, mainly professors and researchers, regarding the theories presented in the thesis “Zum unelastischen Verhalten und Bruch von Stahlbeton“, ETH Zürich, 1986.
The ideas presented in the thesis have been extended and applied in a wide range of practical problems, as someone can study in the book “Earthquake Resistant Design and Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Buildings“, cubus Hellas Ltd, 2007, downloadable also from this site. Multiple applications are presented in the book “Structural Design, Earthquake Resistance and Strengthening“, cubus Hellas Ltd, 2019, downloadable also from this site, covering almost any type of building, especially in areas of high seismicity.
The most comprehensive references are listed below:
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