The Project

This is a modern villa with minimal style, in the urban environment of Athens, built in a residential zone. It is made of «fare-faced» concrete and in combination with its special geometry it creates an impressive architectural effect. It is designed by architect Nikos Ktenas in 1998 and it has been since a reference point for this type of buildings, both in Greece and abroad.

The load-bearing structure is at the same time the dominant architectural element. Therefore, as structural engineers we had a difficult task: to design a building, which is a concrete sculpture, in a seismic prone area, where the ordinary practice is to design symmetrical and normal structures. Although this building’s plan and side views are not uniform, its load-bearing structure must be fully earthquake-resistant.

For this purpose, the structural design of this building is based purely on “capacity” design, in order to avoid the formation of the “weakest links”. Possible “vulnerable” spots that could collapse in a brittle way in case of an earthquake, have been accordingly engineered and constructed strong enough, so that they aren’t any more critical.

That is how the way for free geometrical design has been opened, the way for free architectural design in a seismic prone area. This fact is very important, especially in seismic prone countries such as Greece, where strict adherence to ordinary practice could create many architectural restraints, damaging the aesthetics of urban structures.




Avgoustidis Th.

Our Scope of Works
Preliminary, Final Design, Construction Design, Site Supervision

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