About Us

About Us


cubus Hellas was founded in 1990 in Greece by Dr. A. Kanellopoulos. It is an Engineering Consultants and Engineering Software company, specialized in structural design of buildings, steel structures, bridges, earthquake resistant design and foundation engineering.


cubus Hellas boasts an expert team of engineers specialized in the design of structures. Along the last 30 years, the team has executed numerous design projects, including hospitals, airports, sport facilities, hotels, educational institutes, telecomunication centers, shop buildings, office buildings, residences, logistics, bridges and underground parking stations.

Structural and computer engineers contribute with their experience and knowledge in the development of designs with world-wide accepted software, the production of high-quality construction drawings and the supervision during the construction.

cubus Hellas design projects follow International Specifications and Codes as well as Local National Regulations in countries like Greece, Cyprus, Romania, Germany, Switzerland, Jordan, United Arabic Emirates, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Iraq, Nigeria etc.


The main objective for cubus Hellas is to design functional, economical, add value and safe solutions, constructible, easy to build in relatively short time, using the capabilities of modern knowledge and technology and also the local resources. They represent their clients to the authorities providing detailed and comprehensive documentation, time schedules, technical reports, calculations, shop drawings, bill of quantities, as build drawings in all design and construction phases.


Antonis Kanellopoulos

Dr. sc. techn. ETH Zuerich, Civil Engineer NTUA, worked on bridge design in Leonhardt + Andrae office, research – teaching in IBK of ETH Zuerich under Prof. B. Thuerlimann, PHD thesis on “Post-elastic behaviour and fracture of reinforced concrete”. Founder of cubus Hellas, engineering and software company for structural and earthquake resistant design of buildings, bridges, steel structures and geotechnical projects. Introduced the inelastic analysis based on displacements (Pushover analysis) since ’98 in the Statik software,during the last three decades he designed numerous earthquake-resistant buildings,new as also existing, through the addition of walls, cores, composite elements or even use of ultra high performance concrete. Developer of software, writer of publications, and consultant at various innovative projects (Athens International Airport, Olympic games projects, Heracles General Cement Company, Latsis Foundation, Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning of Germany etc.).

cubus engineering

cubus engineering
7, Themistokli Sofouli Str.

154 51, Neo Psychiko
Athens, Greece

Contact Information

Web: https://cubusengineering.gr
Email: cubusengineering@gmail.com
Tel.: 0030 210 6722360, 366, 389
Fax: 0030 210 6722 382

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